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Welcoming Food Book One: Energetics of Food and Healing, Diet as Medicine for Home Cooks and Other Healers by Andrew Sterman

This is my newest favorite book on nutrition. Beautifully incorporating modern research and  detailed dietary teachings of classical Chinese medicine, Welcoming Food explains how foods work within the body and how to incorporate them into healthy delicious meals.

The Energetics of Food

A classic that does a great job of simplifying the complex relationships of food and its effects on our lives.  It provides wisdom passed down through ancient systems of medicine such as Chinese medicine and Ayurveda and describes how the energetic qualities of plants and animals influence our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Recipes for Self-Healing by Daverick Leggett

This book articulately explains Eastern medicine and dietetic concepts with clear and easy-to-understand descriptions of the relationships between foods and the body. It provides instructions for preparing delicious nourishing foods that delight the tastebuds and harmonize the bodymind.


Managing Depression Manual from FLCCC Alliance


Nutritional Healing With Chinese Medicine

“In an easy-to-understand and straightforward manner, Ellen explains how and which combination of foods and flavors act upon the body to move qi (energy) and how they act on the body to warm or cool. Many of the modern day chronic health problems caused by lifestyle, genetics and stress can be helped by distinctive and long lasting changes in the way we eat.”

Welcoming Food, Book Two: Recipes and Kitchen Practice- Diet as Medicine for Home Cooks and Other Healers

Every recipe I have made from this book has been absolutely delicious.  This is a great companion to Book 1.

The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen

This is an enlightening cookbook of savory recipes, beautiful photos, and interesting stories of indigenous American cuisine.  It educates us on what has long been understood by indigenous people throughout the world. Locally sourced and seasonal foods provide the most vibrant and healthy meals.


Mindful Eating: A guide to rediscovering a healthful and joyful relationship with food.

This is a clear and concise resource to help food and eating become a source of joy–instead of an angst-ridden activity haunted by nutritionally based guilt.

Nourishing Wisdom: A New Understanding of Eating

Combining the principles of nutritional awareness, personal growth, and body psychology and addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of nourishment, Nourishing Wisdom provides practical methods for redefining the role food plays in our lives.


Chasing the Scream

Personal story and inquisitive journey into the medical understanding of addiction that invites us all to question our perspective and rethink what we know about its causes.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

I was recommended this book by a man I met at a conference who said, “Every person who has been touched by addiction needs to read this book.”  I agree.  The author and physician, Gabor Mate MD, opens our eyes to the humanity and complexity of addiction.


Anti-Depressant Risks

While antidepressants provide support to many people, many people are also being harmed. This site brings awareness to the possible side effects of antidepressants and the difficulty of withdrawal.

Council for Evidenced Based Psychiatry

This is a great resource for those considering how to best discontinue antidepressants safely. Psychiatric drugs can have powerful withdrawal effects, and rapid or cold turkey withdrawal can be very dangerous and lead to more severe and long-lasting symptoms. It is therefore important that anyone deciding to withdraw from psychiatric medication tapers off slowly under the supervision of an experienced doctor who is well-informed about withdrawal and who respects the patient’s desire to come off their medication.

Hearing Voices Network

Based in the United States, this network is part of an international collaboration between professionals, people with lived experience, and their families to develop a supportive, effective, and non-pathologizing approach to managing emotional distress.


Nourishing Within: Spring Begins

What food, conduct and medicines are most effective in calibrating our qi to Nature – what is health and synchronicity? In this recording references are made to Chinese almanac astrology, medical Classics, Daoist and Confucian philosophy and the direct experience of everyday life. Additional recordings on Nourishing Within can be found at Da Yuan Circle.


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